Content Management System customization

Content Management System (CMS) customizations usually entails customizing the front end of popular open source CMS like wordpress, joomla!, mambo, oscommerce, magento, zen cart, phpbb, OSDate, sugarCRM etc.. If you need any customization of your existing website, we are at your services to leave up to your expectations. By using the customizing open source CMS like Joomla, WordPress, Zen Cart etc. we can modify your website. We can work with any existing Php scripts or open source CMS and do:

  • Modification of the core source code
  • Addition of components and modules that are already available
  • Addition of new feature and service to your choice of cms system
  • Development of new components and modules
  • Customization of themes, plugins and banners
  • Customization of texts and images
  • Customization of commercial scripts such as x-cart
  • Development of new design/theme/template and integration on the script

MGSwebSourcing works with the most stable and secure open source Content Management Systems (CMS). A Content Management Systems (CMS) will boost your search engine rankings. Having fresh content will help your search engine performance. We love working with Open Source CMS like wordpress, joomla!, mambo, oscommerce, creloaded, magento, zen cart, phpbb, OSDate, sugarCRM etc. A WCMS or Web Content Management System is a layer of software that provides a web based graphic interface or editor that enables non technical users make changes to the content of a website. Content management is necessary, and we'd like to make it as easy, and fun, as possible.

Advantages of a CMS powered website development:

  • Enhance SEO.
  • Ensure security.
  • Update website quickly and frequently.
  • Reduce website maintenance costs.
  • Increase efficiency and accuracy.
  • Show flexibility.

7 benefits of using an Open Source Content Management System (CMS):

  • No propriety license fees - More development time and money can go on creating a beautiful website than on the CMS.
  • High quality and stable software - Many hours of development have gone into building open source software by a community of skilled and dedicated programmers.
  • Safe and secure - Generally if security holes are discovered software patches for open source software are released very quickly.
  • Customizable - Because the source code is accessible, there are always plenty of plug-ins contributed by the community to add functionality to open source CMS.
  • Large communities - Generally open source projects have a large active community who can help you solve problems.
  • Source code is freely available - Should you ever need to tinker with the core software you have access to the code.
  • Not locked into a single vendor - Other developers can easily extend or update your website should you ever need to.

CMS customization (WordPress, Joomla, Oscommerce):

Do you want to take advantage of the latest open source CMSs out there, such as WordPress, Joomla or Oscommerce? Or have an existing script that needs some modifications and additions? You already own a website template and want it to be customized? We can help you.

MGSwebSourcing are expertin customizing open source CMSs like WordPress, joomla!, mambo, oscommerce, magento, zen cart, phpbb, OSDate, sugarCRM etc. We can customize any of these scripts for you and blend with your existing website.

We can work with any existing Php script or open source CMS and do like:

  • Modification of the core source code
  • Addition of components, modules, plug ins, widgets and contribuions that are already available
  • Addition of new features and services to your choice of cms system
  • Development of new components, modules, plug-ins, or widgets
  • Customization of themes, templates and banners
  • Development of new design / theme / template and integration on the script
  • PSD to CMS (such as WordPress, Joomla)

CMS and template customization:

  • Customization of WordPress
  • Customization of Woocommerce
  • Customization of Joomla!
  • Customization of Mambo
  • Customization of Oscommerce
  • Customization of Magento
  • Customization of Zen cart
  • Customization of Open cart
  • Customization of phpbb
  • Customization of OSDate
  • Customization of sugarCRM
  • And any open source CMS
  • Customization of template monster or any other templates

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